



You know you are meant for more. Are you ready to grow and expand into this new version of you?

Start Living the Life you Want

My Story →

What I have learned over my years of wandering is that I'm always the same Melissa that is in the mirror no matter what I do or where I live. 

So my quest became creating the vision I wanted for my life while simultaneously updating the version of me that could create this change and understand myself like never before. 

Let’s encourage one another to discover things about us that we have never understood, stop holding ourselves back and try new things and wander together.

Two years ago I jumped off the merry go round of running my crazy busy photography business and made the conscious decision to slow down and start living the life I wanted.

Mother, wife, sister, daughter - all the roles.  It seemed like life was just a series of rinse and repeat, just kept pushing, achieving the next things I was supposed to on the check list of life. 

And then I started quietly questioning what did I really want my life to look like. What have I always dreamt of? What put a smile on my face? What would I regret if I didn't do? What was my purpose?

Hello, I'm Melissa

This is a great place to get started - journal prompts, exercises, worksheets, challenges and so much more...

My [free] Library of Resources to Help you Uplevel your Life

Start Here

The power of intentions. Rather than just let life happen to you, decide what you would like to happen. Be directional. Be purposeful. And see what the universe has in store for you!

- wandering missy

This month's favorite photos from the Amalfi Coast.

from the

Favorites                   Summer

Curated conversations, books, travel (and of course Paris) and so much more. 

